• Using Education to unlock potentials of millions of youth

    "Education is the best gift you can give a child"

    Life skills and Vocational trainings

    A time like this, fancing of office jobs may not be the utmost desire of many youths in countries with high rates of Unemployment.

    Having a skill that would assure you a lifetime survival, is a big deal today.


    Ensuring quality Education

    This is a program that aims at bridging the unemployed with the employment scope. Currently, many youths have at least gone to school for attaining their Primary School Education and because most of their parents do not afford paying their school fees for the further education in the secondary section and other institutes, these young boys and girls drop out of school at that early and energetic age, others go in for early marriages, teenage pregnancies begin to happen because they have got nothing to do at home.

    We therefore think about starting up Community Vocational Institutes which will be aimed at imparting the young men and women (youths) who have dropped out of school at any level with the skills at hand which they will use to become job creators instead of the job seekers.

    We offer quality education which enables learners to gain relevant knowledge to compete and thrive in this ever-changing world.

    This is through the wholistic approach of the education we provide. We ensure to teach and train the Head, Heart and Hands.


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